Planning And Preparation The Astronauts Way!
I have a new a new Super Hero; a real life astronaut, Commander Chris Hadfield. During the last few days I have guzzled down his book ‘An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth’ in complete awe of what to me seems like an extraordinary human being. From the age of...
Inspire Alumni Event in Bath
Last night business leaders across Bath and the West Country battled through Storm Imogen to take part in the first Inspire Alumni event for 2016. Insights were shared by Inspire founder and MD of Whynot Coaching Liza Hughes and Joint CEO of Chopsticks Club, HJ...
How Could These Two Japanese Characters Help You To Improve Your Business?
I have just finished this great book called ‘make it stick’, The Science of Successful Learning by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger and Mark A. McDaniel. One of the many interesting insights from the book, which very practically offers scientifically proven methods...
How to get past the ‘January Factor’ – 10 easy questions to ponder
Whynot? Is celebrating 10 years this year; so I thought I might share a few of my ‘top tens’ to help you to get the most out of your performance and productivity in 2017. I love the start of the year, that feeling of a new year, new you, new opportunities etc. etc....
8 (Oops 9) Tips to avoid your inner ‘Sozzler’ this Christmas!
I love this time of year, I love everything about the build up to Christmas, from the excitement of little children, to the hushed conversations in office corridors of folk trying to work out what they actually did the night before.. Sound familiar? The incredible...
Are you suffering from the ‘busy’ epidemic?
Did you ever wonder when you became so busy? When was the moment that life speeded up? When I spend time on public transport I’m always intrigued by the folk around me on their mobile phones telling their caller, and the rest of the carriage, very loudly, just how...
Need a ‘new pair of eyes’?
The late French Novelist Marcel Proust wrote, “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes” Seeing things through a different lens can often be tricky, but his words are useful when we consider the power of perspective....
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”
These wise words came from the inspirational voice of Eleanor Roosevelt a former first lady of the United States. Her sentiment is spot on and in the coaching world conversations around this quote happen on a daily basis, with folk from all walks of life at all levels...
Finding your virtual voice
I’ve got to be honest; it’s taken me a while to feel comfortable and in some cases confident with the many social media platforms that exist now, and I’m certainly no expert. We’re living in a social age and there is an awful lot of blur out there that can easily...
‘Liza is always very lively in class’
Do you remember your school reports? Can you remember what they said about you? I was recently reacquainted with my reports from secondary school, and whilst I remembered some of what my teachers had written about me, reading them again with the powerful knowledge of...
“To do or not to do”… That is the question
How often do your mornings start like this, you arrive in work with the best intentions to be productive, but before you know it, it’s lunchtime and you haven’t achieved a thing. If like me you have a preference for structural thinking, you may wonder why this...
Great minds think differently!
Having recently been emerged in the Italian countryside for 4 days at the Global Brain Summit for Emergenetics, never have I been more aware of how important it is that we seek out new ways to cut through all the ‘blur’ that exists in the world today, to fully connect...