Based on 30 years of study into the fields of neuroscience research and behavioral research, Emergenetics represents the most current thinking in psychometric profiling. Emergenetics measures distinctive thinking patterns and demonstrable behavioral attributes and is evaluated and normed regularly, which provides for a significantly more accurate, resonant and therefore effective profiling tool.
What does it measure?:
- Emergenetics accurately measures a person’s specific levels of strength and preferences across 4 Thinking Attributes and Three Behavioural Attributes:
- Thinking: Analytical, Structural, Conceptual and Social
- Behaviours: Expressiveness, Assertiveness and Flexibility.
Why it is different?:
- The use of neuroscience represents the next generation in profiling
- It avoids the tendency to stereotype as it separates how we behave from how we think.
- It offers a great deal of information but is presented in a simple and memorable way.
- It is a strength based profile so non-threatening.
- It has a fully automated team profile capability that is included with the profile.
What impact can I expect?:
- Self-awareness, self-confidence and personal impact
- Team understanding, communications and effectiveness
- Improved recruitment results
- More effective performance management
- Creation of a universal language for the organisation
- Improved decision making
- Better strategising, planning and delivery
- Greater efficiency and productivity
- Greater employee engagement
- Better identification and utilisation of unique individual strengths.
- ANALYTICAL: Our rational and factual way of thinking
- STRUCTURAL: Our practical and planned way of thinking
- SOCIAL: Our social and emphatic way of thinking
- CONCEPTUAL: Our imaginative and conceptual way of thinking
- EXPRESSIVENESS: Our level of participation with others
- ASSERTIVENESS: Our interest in controlling situations and results
- FLEXIBILITY: Our willingness to accommodate others
By separating behavioural preferences from thinking preferences Emergenetics eliminates the stereotyping seen in other profiling models.
For more information about how Emergentics can help you, your team and your organisation, please call Liza on 07715 700207